Tri-Cities, Washington
(509) 492-5959

2 Freezing 2 Fitness

By special request Freezing Fitness is returning for another time this year and we decided if we’re doing a sequel, we better do it right! Join us February 10th for the next installment in The Freezing Saga, 2 Freezing 2 Fitness!

New Year: Three Week Check-In

We are three weeks into the new year and it’s definitely been fun so far. We took advantage of the cold this weekend for Freezing Fitness doing one of the craziest workouts we’ve ever done finishing off the challenge with a jump into the Columbia River.

New Year: Two Week Check-In

We’re now two weeks into the new year and hopefully you’re starting to find your rhythm and are working towards you goals! What is your goal? If you haven’t set a goal yet now is the time! Not some arbitrary goal or something too far out. Put something on the calendar. Set a deadline to get yourself motivated. We recommend signing up for a race, because once you sign up you’re a lot more committed.

New Year: One Week Check-In

We are one week into the new year! We hope you’re doing awesome with your fitness goals and new year’s resolutions! If not that’s ok, you can always start again today! If you need a little help getting started on your fitness goals here’s a little workout plan to get you moving this week!

Freezing Fitness

Time to test how tough you really are! Can you handle a jump into the Columbia River? First a 45 minute workout to warm you up and then a polar plunge style jump into the Columbia to test your resilience!

Run The Tri-Cities

Run the Tri-Cities the next few months with some of our favorite races! As we head into the new year there are lots of great options to set race goals and get yourself active! Running races is great motivation to train and also build your experience to improve your fitness for future events. Come be part of our amazing Tri-Cities running community!

Rocky Training Montage Workout

Finish off the year training like the champ! We’re gonna do our own Rocky inspired Training Montage workout. 1 hour of Rocky inspired exercises and then for those wanting the full experience a run up Glenwood Ct to the Top of the World lookout from Badger Mountain Community Park to celebrate!

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from The Obstacle Circuit! We’re coming up on the end of the year, but before we do we have our holiday special on Friday at 9AM! We also had a great time this last weekend racing the Cable Bridge Run. We’re very excited for more upcoming races this next year! We encourage you to sign yourself and your kids up so everyone can join in the fun and we’ll have you prepared for the challenge!

Winter Newsletter

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It is definitely starting to feel like winter out there now that the cold weather has come. Regardless of the cold classes go on and it’s the best time of year to toughen up for the most miserable conditions we may face in the upcoming race season! There’s a lot of fun to be had this winter season. With the holidays that means holiday themed classes and we also have a few crazy snow themed workouts for when the snow starts falling! We’re gonna be training in a winter workout-land!

What Happened In San Luis Obispo

This isn’t a review of the Spartan Race Ultra in San Luis Obispo. We’ll recap more of the fun we had there in our next newsletter. There’s been a lot of questions about what happened on course and following the race. So this is to explain of the situation that occurred from Coach Daniel’s perspective.